Seminars and events
C2:AD seminar series 2013
Talks are on Fridays and run from 12.30 to 1.30pm. Unless otherwise stated, the venue is the Herchel Smith Building for Brain and Mind Sciences on the Forvie site at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge (see location). Please note that there is no parking available at the Herchel Smith Building or at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. If you have any queries, please contact You can download the programme here (new programme coming soon).
26th April: N.B. AT 12.00 RATHER THAN 12.30 Professor Mick Power (University of Edinburgh)
Emotion focused cognitive therapy
7th June: Professor Emily Holmes (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit & University of Oxford), Dr Martina DiSimplicio (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge) and Dr Simon Blackwell (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge)
Workshop (1/2 day): Mental imagery in cognitive therapy – Part I (Part 1 can be completed as stand alone; Registration details to follow)
26th June: N.B. AT 12.00 RATHER THAN 12.30 Dr David Brent
Assistance for treatment resistance: Lessons from the TORDIA study
6th September: Dr Paul Ramchandani (Imperial College London)
Getting in early – depression in parents and children
4th October: Dr Rajini Ramana (C2:AD, CPFT, Cambridge)
Workshop (1/2 day): Advances in treating chronic depression (Registration details to follow)
1st November: Dr Anna Bevan (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit & C2:AD, Cambridge)
Workshop (1/2 day): Title TBC
6th December: Professor Emily Holmes (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit & University of Oxford) and Dr Simon Blackwell (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge)
Workshop (1/2 day): Mental imagery in cognitive therapy – Part II (Part 2 can be completed as stand alone; Registration details to follow)
Past events
1st March: Professor Tim Dalgleish (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit & C2:AD, Cambridge)
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for recurrent depression: An intervention at a crossroads
8th February: Professor Ed Watkins (University of Exeter)
Understanding and treating rumination
C2:AD seminar series 2012
3rd February: Professor David Nutt (Imperial College London)
Anxiety: Not all in the mind?
2nd March: Dr. Jennifer Wild (Institute of Psychiatry)
Preventing PTSD in people regularly exposed to trauma
April – Easter Break
11th May: Georgina Smith (MRC CBU & The Haven, Paddington) –
Treating complex trauma: Half-day workshop held at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
To register please click here: Registration form.
15th June: Professor Pasco Fearon (University College London)
Gene environment correlation in early development and risk for affective disturbance
6th July: Dr. Paul Wilkinson (University of Cambridge)
Treatment of adolescent depression
August – Summer Break
7th September: Dr. Patrick Smith (Institute of Psychiatry)
PTSD in children and young people
5th October: Dr. Rajini Ramana, Dr. Richard Moore, Professor Ian Goodyer, Dr. Raph Kelvin, Dr. Paul Wilkinson (CPFT, Cambridge)
Preventing and managing treatment resistant depression across the lifespan (for registration please go to
For a full workshop programme please click here.
CANCELLED: 2nd November: Professor Ed Watkins (University of Exeter)
7th December: Professor Shirley Reynolds (University of East Anglia)
OCD in children and young people
C2:AD seminar series 2011
11th February: Dr. Barney Dunn (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)
Learning How to Feel Good: Understanding and Treating the Anhedonic Symptoms of Depression
4th March: Dr. Laura Hoppitt ( University of East Anglia)
Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM): A New Way to Treat Anxiety and Depression
25th March: Dr. Jan van Niekerk (Adult Mental Health, Cambridge)
New Ideas in Cognitive Therapy for OCD
6th May: Prof. Chris Brewin (University College London)
Recent Developments in the Study of PTSD
10th June: Dr. Tim Dalgleish & Dr. Richard Meiser-Stedman (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)
PTSD and Children (one day workshop-participants will need to register: details to follow)
8th July: Dr. Maria Watson (North Shore Anxiety and Stress Clinic, Vancouver, Canada)
Hoarding & Clutter: Maximizing the the Benefits of CBT
9th September: Dr. Deborah Lee (Berkshire Traumatic Stress Service)
Using Compassion to Work with Shame Based Flashbacks in PTSD – Theorethical and Clinical Considerations
7th October: Dr. Catherine Harmer (University of Oxford)
Antidepressants and Emotional Processing
18th November: Dr. Richard Moore (CPFT, Cambridge)
Treatment Resistant Depression (one day workshop-participants will need to register: details to follow)
2nd December: Dr. Sam Cartwright-Hatton (University of Sussex)
“They May Not Mean To, But They Do”: Helping Anxious Parents Raise Confident Kids
C2:AD seminar series 2010
You can download the programme here.
12th February; Prof. David Clark (Institute of Psychiatry, London).
Developing and disseminating effective psychological treatments for anxiety disorders: Science, policy and economics.
5th March; Dr Richard Meiser-Stedman (MRC CBSU)
Post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: Is there a role for early intervention?
9th April; Dr Cathy Cresswell (University of Reading)
Towards a stepped care approach to the treatment of childhood anxiety.
7th May; Dr Tim Dalgleish (MRC CBSU and C2:AD)
Lost in translation: The basic science – clinical practice dialogue.
11th June; Prof. Ian Goodyer (Dept. of Psychiatry, Cambridge and C2:AD)
Treatment of depressed adolescents
2nd July; TBC
3rd September; Dr. Warren Mansell (University of Manchester)
Bipolar Disorder Workshop (this event will last for much of the day and participants will need to register: details to follow)
5th November; Dr. Alison Jenaway (CAMH, Huntingdon & Liaison Psychiatry Team, Cambridge)
Using Cognitive Analytic Therapy in Liason Psychiatry
3rd December; Prof. Paul Gilbert (Mental Health Research Unit, Derby)
Depression and compassion focused therapy.
Other Events
10th September, 2010 – East Anglia Mental Health Research Network Hub Regional Conference: “From design to implementation: How the MHRN supports research in East Anglia”. The Moller Centre, Cambridge, from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
For more information email
Department of Psychiatry and Fulbourn Hospital (Academic Programme 2010 Thursday Lunchtime Meetings) THURSDAY 12.30-1.30pm (sponsored lunch from 12:00). Course Organiser: Dr. Cathy Walsh
16th September (BURWELL ROOM, BLOCK 14, IDA DARWIN HOSPITAL); Prof. Digby Tantam (Clinical Professor of Psychotherapy, Centre for the Study of Conflict and Reconciliation, School of health and Related Research, University of Sheffield) Are the emperor’s clothers new? Or should we distrust the evidence for evidence based psychotherapy?
23rd September (ALICE FISHER LECTURE SUITE, ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL); Prof. Peter Woodruff (Professor and Head of Academic Clinical Psychiatry, Director of Sheffield and Neuroimaging Laboratory (SCANLab), University of Sheffield) Neuroimaging/schizophrenia
30th September (ALICE FISHER LECTURE SUITE, ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL); Prof. Michale Farrell (Professor of Addiction Psychiatry, Insitute of Psychiatry, London) Drugs/prison/psychiatric co-morbidities
7th October (LECTURE THEATRE 2, CLINICAL SCHOOL, ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL); Prof. Jeremy Coid (Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry Research Unit, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and the Wolfson Insitute of Preventative Medicine, Queen Mary’s, University of London) Risk Assessment for Violence
14th October (BURWELL ROOM, BLOCK 14, IDA DARWIN HOSPITAL); Prof. Robert West (Health Behaviour Research Centre, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London) Mentall Illness and Smoking Cessation
21st October (ALICE FISHER LECTURE SUITE, ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL); Prof. Tim Dalgleish (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit) How Does Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Works?
28th October (HERCHEL SMITH CONFERENCE ROOM, FORVIE SITE, ADDENBROOKE’S CAMPUS); Prof. Dinesh Bhugra (President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Insitute of Psychiatry and SLAM, London) Leadership for Psychiatrists
4th November (LECTURE THEATRE 2, CLINICAL SCHOOL, ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL); Dr. Jeremy Woodward (Consultant Gatroenterologist, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge) CPD Medical Update for Psychiatrists: Gastroentorology
11th November (BURWELL ROOM, BLOCK 14, IDA DARWIN HOSPITAL); Lisa Appignanesi, President English PEN and autor of ‘Mad, Bad and Sad; A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 18000 to the Present (Virago/Little Brown) winner of the BMA Award for the Public Understanding of Science) Mad, Bad and Sad
18th November (ALICE FISHER LECTURE SUITE, ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL); Prof. Jonathan Bisson (Consultant Psychiatrist, Cardiff University School of Medicine, Wales) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
25th November (ALICE FISHER LECTURE SUITE, ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL); Prof. Ian Goodyer (Professor fo Child Psychiatry, University of Cambridge) The Child to Adult Patient: Transitional Care in Need of Reform
2nd December (ALICE FISHER LECTURE SUITE, ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL); Dr. Jed Boardman (Consultant and Senior Lecturer in Social Psychiatry, SLAM and Insitute of Psychiatry, London) Recovery in Mental Illness
9th December (HERCHEL SMITH CONFERENCE ROOM, FORVIE SITE, ADDENBROOKE’S CAMPUS); Prof. Alistair Burns (Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, University of Manchester and National Clinical Centre for Dementia, Department of Health) The National Dementia Strategy