Free Webinar on big data + neurodevelopment

We are happy to share a new blogpost summarising some of the work done at CALM. It’s a short and accessible summary for those who might be interested in learning more about our research.
Launching Ready or Not Study CPD programme: For educators, mental health professionals, parents
Free virtual webinar series for educators, mental health professionals, and parents.
Brilliant line-up of speakers covering key topics around development and education http://bit.ly/ReadyOrNotSeries
There’s no doubt that 2020 was a strange and difficult year for all of us. Things were certainly very different at CALM and we greatly missed working with families and children due to COVID restrictions. However, we have still been very busy using all of the information we have gathered to find out more about how children learn!
Follow this link to read our latest newsletter
During the last year, we have been working hard to continue our research safely whenever, and however, current regulations allow. We are not currently testing participants due to the present restrictions, however once we are able to restart testing, we will be contacting all families who have expressed an interest in returning to CALM. We will update our website with further information in due course. Please follow this link for more information: http://calm.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/covid-19-adapted-protocol/
We are delighted to say that CALM is re-opening and we are starting to welcome families once again for assessments. We have adapted the way we work with families and children in line with both government guidelines and advice from our in-house COVID response team. Please follow this link for more information: http://calm.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/covid-19-adapted-protocol/
Many children who have taken part in the CALM project over the years have experienced some difficulties in school at some point. We are interested in knowing how children who took part in the CALM study are doing during lockdown. For many children it is likely that there will be little impact, but for others the lockdown period could have positive, mixed or more negative consequences. We have put together a brief questionnaire about children’s current experiences. We are inviting families who have visited CALM to complete this questionnaire. If you have visited CALM and would like to help with this study, please email: CALM@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
Want to know more about what we’ve been up to at CALM?
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